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Regarding that previous report from a couple pages back about almost all buyers in a popular Japanese district being Chinese, I do think a lot of systems are being sold into China at this point from Japan.

No one in China wants the "official" Chinese versions of the Switch or PS5 because you're stuck playing only games approved by the Chinese gov't, every game released has to have gov't approval and there was a stretch of like 8 months where the gov't wouldn't even approve a single game because they felt like game addiction was becoming a problem, so for 8 months there were zero new releases and that can happen again when ever the gov't feels like it. If you have a Japanese model, you can play whatever you feel like and games are easy peasy to import too. Like for example Animal Crossing is even banned in China (lol), Resident Evil/Bio Hazard is banned in China, GTA is banned, etc. etc. 

Population of China is 1.4 billion (more than 10x the population of Japan), even if only a tiny fraction of those are gamers, it certainly could start to skew numbers in Japan.

Last edited by Soundwave - on 09 July 2023