I'm liking both the Star Trek-ness of the United Colonies and the Firefly-ness of the Freestar Collective, seeing as I'm a fan of both of those tv shows. I almost exclusively play "good" characters in games because I'm just too nice of a guy in real life to do any truly bad things even in a video game (for instance across all of my playthroughs of KOTOR 1 and 2 I only played Revan and Meetra as Jedi, never Sith, and when I played Sith Empire characters in SWTOR I played them going for light side points only, about the darkest thing I do in video games is pickpocketing and lockpick thievery in TES and Fallout), so I can't see myself ever aligning with the space pirates of the Crimson Fleet. Not really a big fan of working for a mega-corporation either, so doubt I will do a playthrough where I side with Ryujin Industries.
But I'm going with Freestar on playthrough #1, so that is what I voted.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 08 July 2023