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BasilZero said:
shikamaru317 said:

Actually FF15 and FF13 sold more on Xbox than PC I believe. SteamSpy tracks both of them in the 1-2m range. Meanwhile VGC is tracking 2.2m for FF13 on 360, and they were tracking 1.14m for FFXV as of 2018 when they stopped tracking software sales. FFXV has had 5 more years to sell physical copies since VGC stopped tracking at 1.14m, and then there is Xbox digital to take into account. When FFXV released in 2016 about 30% of sales on Xbox were digital. By 2018 that number was more like 40%, and thanks to Covid and Series S, Xbox is now about 60-65% digital for software sales. That means that for most of it's lifespan, FFXV will have been selling quite alot of digital copies on Xbox. So, 1.14m physical as of 2018, plus probably another 200k or more physical since then, plus an average of probably 40-45% of FFXV lifetime Xbox sales being digital, means we're almost certainly over 2m for FFXV on Xbox now, while Steam is still below 2m.

SteamSpy numbers arent reliable anymore ever since Valve did an update to Steam User Privacy settings back in 2018 to make it where it cant be tracked anymore.

So what you said can be pretty much be counted for Steam as well considering the Steam version of FFXV has been selling for the same price as the Xbox/PS4 versions excluding steam copies being sold in Humble, etc for less price than Steam/PS4/Xbox stores.

My understanding is that they do still have a fairly reliable method of obtaining user counts even though their data is no longer exact due to that 2018 Valve policy update. They claim to only have a 2% margin of error with the method they are using, which means they believe there is only a 2% chance that FF15 or FF13 has sold less than 1m copies or more than 2m copies, since they have them both in the 1-2m range. I believe what they do is take a sample of users who have agreed to share their data with them, and then extrapolate that number up to the Steam userbase at large.

We also have the 2018 Steam data leak to look at. Obviously those numbers are older, but you can use them to guesstimate current sales based on known game leg trends. FF13 was only at 707k owners on Steam as of the 2018 leak, 4 years after it's 2014 steam release, meaning it is on the low end of SteamSpy's 1-2m range prediction for sure, games don't typically more than double the sales they had at the 4 year mark. I believe Spy had it in the range that was below 1-2m until just last year, so I'd guess it has sold 1.1m at most, meaning another 400k sales since it was at 707k 6 years ago in July 2018. As for FF15, it was at 489k Steam owners as of the July 2018 leak, which happened about 4 months after the game released on Steam in March 2018. Based on known Steam game leg trends, that suggests that now, as of 2023, FFXV has sold more on steam than FF13 has, but likely less than 1.5m. It would be very rare for a game to more than triple it's first 4 month sales lifetime, only a few games can pull that off, even on Steam with it's deep discounts in the seasonal Steam sales.

Now it is worth noting of course that both games were day one releases on Xbox, and late ports on Steam. Maybe FF would sell more than Xbox on PC if Square would actually release day one on all 3 platforms, but we'll never know for sure unless Square does a brand new mainline Final Fantasy that is on Xbox, PC, and PS day one.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 08 July 2023