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"We will support Ukraine for as long as it takes."

The same people:

"We will not provide Ukraine with the necessary weapons to win the war." (They don't say this directly, but this is what they do.)

This has been on repeat for almost 1.5 years now. There are constant worries that Ukraine could fire on Russian territory while at the same time it's apparently okay that Russia deliberately strikes civilian infrastructure and buildings. Because if it were truly believed that what Russia does is not okay, then the West would have been pulling out the stops a long time ago. Instead large parts of the West seemingly play a game where they want to keep a door open for a return to generally accepted trade with Russia within the next couple of years.

In parts it's so blatant by now that Russia could blow up a huge dam and it still didn't change anything about the hesitation to supply Ukraine with the things they need and ask for.


In the meantime the Austrian chancellor has invited his counterparts from Hungary and Serbia to Austria to form an agreement against the EU's asylum policies. Serbia isn't even in the EU, for god's sake! It's like there's no holding back in Austria's conservative party to keep building towards a future (next year's election) where they'll want to do a coalition with the far-right party, even if that means that the far-right will have the next chancellor; and with the way the conservatives are handling things, it's almost a given that the far-right will be the strongest party after the next election.

The overall point being that the EU is already bogged down enough by rubbish Hungary, so it's just depressing that Austria would rather align itself with those idiots than the majority. It's gotten to the point that I am seriously considering to cast a vote for the first time in my life. It used to be that there was always at least some common sense left in Austria, so the coalitions between left and right parties would block each other's more extreme tendencies, but those days are seemingly over.

Fingers crossed that Ukraine can push out the Russians by summer 2024 at the latest. That way it will be all over while Austria still flies under the radar and doesn't bring even greater shame on its own already more than enough stained history.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.