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I actually like the survival elements of BOTW and TOTK just how they are; I feel like leaning too strongly into that aspect would risk making the games frustrating to players like me.

For me they just about hit the sweet spot in terms of challenge where they encourage improvisation and perserverance without being overly punishing. Strong enemies can wipe you out, and elements like heat and cold require countermeasures and can be creatively circumvented, but not to the point where I'm too stressed out to enjoy myself.

Anyway, I reached Gerudo town; navigating the sand shroud and dealing with the heat without the right armor was fun, and I like that the area has been changed so much from BOTW that it never felt like I was retreading the same ground. Riju's power is the coolest of the four sages, and it was cool to see Gibdos return.

So far, it's the most fun of the four regional phenomena, and the game itself continues to impress. I still can't decide if I like it more than BOTW or not, but both are among the very best games I have played in recent years.

Last edited by curl-6 - on 06 July 2023