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DroidKnight said:
shikamaru317 said:

I'm also level 51 on my Sorcereress, but I'm not even through act 3 yet on the main story. I've been exploring each district of the map fully and finding all altars of lilith in each, doing about half of each districts side quests, and doing a few of the side dungeons, as I go through each district as the main story takes me there. Just got to the left bottom map disctrict in act 3, and I've only done a single side quest and a single side dungeon there so far, still have to go find all of the altars in that map. Then after that I still have the bottom right district to fully explore and do side quests in as well. Going to take me more than a week to finish the main campaign at this rate.

I sped up my campaign play-though because the world monsters stop leveling up at level 50.  I didn't want to be OP for the final acts.

Well that is kind of disappointing to hear. I really can't fathom why you would design a game with mountains of side quests and exploration content like Diablo 4 has, and then level cap enemies at 50 while letting players level up past 50 on the initial playthrough, cheating the many RPG players who like to do alot of side content alongside the main story content out of the valuable XP curve from higher level enemies. This means that a player who choses to do side content after finishing the main story will level up faster than one who likes to do all side content before finishing the main story (which is usually what I do in open world games).