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padib said:
RolStoppable said:

You weren't called stupid, you were called a gaming snob because you didn't want to play anything that didn't have the highest production values. It was also the period where you kept whining about Nintendo in general on a level that made the entire Nintendo fanbase get tired of it, hence why you got piled on more and more as time went on.

You're lying. You called me an idiot and stupid because you weren't able to accept criticism because you couldn't understand it. Now Nintendo is making strides in the style department and it shows, and it's paying off. The problem with being smart is that you often feel alone.

You had the louder voice because you appropriated 2D Mario to yourself and you rally people with your female avatars and aggressive rhetoric. But you never fooled me. 😉

To top it off, time has proven me right about the styles and sales potentials of both 2D and 3D Marios, and so here we are. 😎

If I had called you an idiot in that thread, then your responses to my posts would have been a lot different. Unfortunately, a VGC security issue led to a lot of my posts getting wiped, so all that's left of me in that thread are in the instances where I got quoted directly. I sure did call you an idiot on a few occasions - for example my triple combo of calling you and idiot when you believed as late as June 2014 that the Wii U could still clear the 50m mark in lifetime sales - but it doesn't look like that thread was one of them.

For observers: happydolphin was padib's alt account at the time.

Since we've already traveled back in time, I decided to link @TruckOSaurus memory too:

The above thread ties into my conclusion from the first thread linked that you never wanted to like NSMB2 - whatever it was going to be - in the first place anyway. Unsurprisingly, the general tone had soured even more, but that's what many months of bad threads do eventually.

For observers: Here's the link to happydolphin's profile. If you merely read the headlines of the threads he created, you can already get a good idea of what was up.

As for the problem of being smart that you mention, the real problem is that you believe that you belong to the smart people and therefore must take a position that makes you alone in order to validate your belief that you are smart. This includes examples such as your padib thread where you predicted that Microsoft will pull off a Nintendo-like turnaround, resulting in the Xbox Series X|S outselling the PS5 globally, something that not even a single actual Xbox fan on this site believed. It wouldn't be so bad if you'd only be this lost in gaming discussions, but sadly it has expanded to political topics where you did things such as linking Q-Anon videos, or have very warped views of World War II and the current war between Ukraine and Russia. Smart people do NOT subscribe to so many conspiracy theories.

The second paragraph of your post is crazy. I hope it's just a joke, because otherwise it would show how full of yourself you are by relegating everyone who agreed with me at one point or another to mere sheep.

Regarding you final paragraph, time is not on your side. Already during the Wii and DS days you tried to prove that 2D Mario and 3D Mario are equally in demand, if 3D Mario not even moreso. Back then you had no sales data to back you up. The Wii U and 3DS era generated parity in sales between 2D Mario and 3D Mario, but it's a parity that was only achieved by Nintendo giving 3D Mario all they got while 2D Mario got a couple of lackluster entries, because the NSMB style including its same old world themes had grown stale. Does SMB Wonder look like Nintendo is doing their best? At the moment, no. But it's at least a step up from NSMB's style already.

For sales potential it's simple: If SMB Wonder comfortably outsells Super Mario Odyssey, then you've been proven wrong. This is the kind of thread idea you should be jumping on. Which game will sell more and how big will the gap between the two be.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.