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zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

You are the one who is always on the attack. You're constantly hounding people for expressing an opinion that's different to yours. Therte's no need to be so aggressive.

It's funny that you see it that way when people were telling me  i have to recognize certain   easy games is not bad design, and trying to convince me. i wasn't trying to convince anyone  just given my reasons a few times because people kept taking about my view point. I understand it's all subjective, but some people don't.

I don't think anybody is telling you that you have to reconignize them as such, they're just saying that they see things differently. 

Think of it like food. If you say you love banana, but I say I personally don't like banana, that does not mean you're wrong for liking it, just that our tastes are different.