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Paatar said:

I really don’t think most people would care if the double standard didn’t exist. It’s okay for a black person to play Ariel but it wouldn’t be okay for a white, or any other ethnicity to play Tiana, or Mulan, or Nani from Lilo and Stitch.

If that double standard wasn’t there, it really wouldn’t be an issue.

I don't know about Tiana, I'm sure people would care. I feel like people would care less with Nani.

Mulan on the other hand, kind of needs to be Asian. It's an Asian name, her whole story is joining the chinese army, fighting the Mongolian invaders, and saving the Chinese Emperor. Kind of needs to be a Chinese actor.

If you were to make a different story where Lilly joined the British army, and saved the Queen or something. People wouldn't care that not-Mulan wasn't Asian.

The double standard exists, because other races were pushed out.

It's like if there are 100 seats, 1000 people proportional to the US population. 

If the world were fair, 60 of those seats would be white, 19 would be hispanic, 13 would be black, 6 would be asian, etc.

Instead it's more like 75 of those seats are white, 10 are hispanic, etc.

The reason for that double standard is to correct for the real world bias.