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BraLoD said:

I did not, but do the demo gives a good feeling about the game?

I remember playing FF15 demo and not feelint compeled to get the game either, back in the day, and I was actually hyped for that game, lo.

I played both of the demos for FFXV (Episode Duscae and Platinum) with being hyped up from all the FF Versus XIII coverage I had over the years.

The end result didnt really make me want to get the game any more prior to playing the demos (which is why I waited a month before buying FFXV - for $40 when it went on sale).

FFXVI is different - I had no intention of buying it day 1 and I barely followed anything FFXVI wise, I didnt watch any of the trailers fully, skimmed through a few here and there.

I tried out the demo yesterday and was amazed at it - now I'm trying to fight off the urge to buy it day 1 because I know this game is gonna get discounted soon lol. I can wait 3-4 months.

The difference between the demos for FF15 and FF16 is - the FF15 demos didnt have anything to with story - the platinum demo was a prologue that never happened in the main game and Episode Duscae was just a longer version of a short quest you do in the main game and didnt show much of the story.

The FF16 demo however shows like the first two hours of the story (and that there was just so much that happened in those first two hours, it was great) and then the Eikonic challenge takes place a few hours into the game.

If you dont plan to buy FF16 anytime soon, I would still check out the demo - I had a lot of fun lol.