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BenKenobi88 said:
Don't get me looks good.

I just don't get what the hype is about, because I don't even know what's going on with the story...what kind of game is this? It just seems too typical.

It is an FPS. It kind of looks like a cross between Resistance and Gears to me. Graphically it looks top notch it appears to eb in teh same vein as Gears some of the building architecture appear to have a higher poly count. The detail on the detail on the faces appear to be very well done at a distance. However all of the pictures appear to have very blurry textures to me and the level layout and art design look like a upgraded or second gen resistance. The loading concerns me to 3-5 second pauses in the middle of teh battlefield is not a good thing. Also I am not buying the unique 2 gig a level statement. They said the same thing about Resistance. More impressed than I thought I would be though and that is a good thing.