mhsillen said: A child who is 5 needs gender affirming care? A lot of people have gone through the surgery and have ended up worse off. Its for everyone to see on one of those cable shows that has followed a boy who had is man parts chopped off and she is a mess. the mom will not listen to her and her suffering. And their are alot of people who are the same way after getting this surgery. They are ignored by all the media as it goes against the narrative. Thats not gender affirming care. |
I see you don't understand the difference between anecdotes and data.
JackHandy said: The term affirming is a misnomer, anyway. Gender Dysphoria (DSM-5-TR) is a serious mental condition, so these sorts of procedures, if they affirm anything, would only affirm that the child or person suffers from it. They don't actually do anything, only damage their body. And studies have shown that it also doesn't improve their mental states. They still suffer from the same distress, same rates of depression and suicide... it really is tragic. In my opinion, we should have been developing ways for these poor people to live with their conditions, rather than playing into it out of misguided compassion. But politics got involved, and now... sigh. It's all very sad. |