While targeting fixed hardware as your main audience, you will ALWAYS end up having to decide between features/graphics/performance. In the case of a single-player, story-driven RPG, why would I want devs to cut back on features for the sake of FPS?
In this context, I'd be quite disappointed in any devs making the decision to go 60 fps at the expanse of pretty much anything else feature-wise. I mean, some here mentioned, and rightly so, Tears of the Kingdom as an example of a great game with a 30 FPS cap. How many would have liked it if Nintendo cut some features to have a 60 FPS target? I sure would be pissed off would it be the case.
30 fps won't hurt my enjoyment of the story and won't hurt my enjoyment of scenery worth standing still to look at anyway, it won't prevent me from building silly ships. What it will do though is allow for a more developed and thorough experience of the title visions at the expanse of a minor annoyance in fast-pacing gunplay moments with no real consequences.