Ryuu96 said:
Yeah that's what I'm thinking cause Fable wasn't strictly cartoon, it was a weird blend, it feels like it was more due to restrictions in technology. You can sorta notice it in the box-art too. Those are clearly realistic leaning, Imo, for the time of their release. Then you see the kid in the game and Lmao. I'd say the environments were a blend of realism/cartoon while the characters were largely...oddly proportioned, Lol. The trailer nailed the British tone for me, it felt British, I liked the humour in it, I don't mind the art-style change as long as it keeps the fantastical nature, the weirdness and the dumbness with the dark moments too and expand on the sim elements. This trailer does appear to show a deeper interaction with the common public as the hero, with the humour and some frigging amazing graphics. |
Yeah, I'm honestly more bothered by the Avowed art style change than Fable. I don't really mind a game like Fable looking less cartoony, it's not like they are going for full photo-realism or something, it's just that the character models are less exaggerated in terms of their proportions, which is perfectly fine with me. It like they moved from a ratio of 33/66 realistic/cartoon on the original Fable games to a ratio of 75/25 realistic/cartoon on the reboot, which is acceptable to me. And I agree they definitely nailed the tone of the original games in terms of humor, I'm really not sure why I'm seeing so many people saying that the tone is off.
The Avowed art change hurts a bit more as I was expecting them to try and make the actual game looked like that short clip of pre-rendered simulated gameplay at the end of the reveal trailer, especially after I heard that they had moved to Unreal 5. It doesn't really look bad, it just doesn't look great either.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 14 June 2023