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Shaunodon said:
Machiavellian said:

But this is not Lionhead Fable, this is Playground Fable.  Going in expecting it to be the same as Lionhead Fable will definitely mean you are setting yourself up for disappointment.  If I am going to take anything away from that trailer is that expecting this to play, feel, look or like Fable of old would not be the thing to expect but to believe that Payground has their own take on Fable and while they may include some aspect of the original series, it could be a totally different take. Since this is not a remaster but an original game who knows what to expect from it.  That trailer told us nothing.

I'm sorry, but this logic is about as ass-backwards as it gets.

An original game? Is 'Fable' an original IP? From what I know the game is still called 'Fable', right? If they weren't planning to respect the spirit of the original titles, then why even make a Fable game? Would it be fair to benefit off the reputation and fandom of the originals but not respect any of their design process or their fans? Does the world work that conveniently in your eyes, and people that forgiving and understanding?

Good grief. That this kind of mentality can still live on despite the yearly reboots butchered and bombing in spectacular fashion is beyond me. It's not a matter of ideology or 'get woke go broke' either, but simple common sense and basic respect for fandoms. It's not like we're asking for a 1:1 remake here.

Side-note: As far as Lionhead, Peter Molyneux and Fable go they've already been synonymous with disappointment, which I imagine is why the IP had such a long hiatus. If Playground have any understanding for the IP and respect of the fandom, they ought to be trying hard to steer away from disappointment.

You must be new to video games.  How many times have we seen a new studio take an IP from another developer and the game does not even remotely be the same.  Does Prey not come to mind to you or GOD of War.  The fact that you believe that just because they are using the name means they will make it the same is hubris.  The fact that you believe it has to be the same is also hubris. Its the same as me expecting a Japanese studio taking the Killer Instinct IP and making it the same as the original and that studio not wanting to put their own stamp on the game. You are setting yourself up for failure

So respecting the spirit does not mean copy.  It just means it will have some aspect of the original series but its still not the same studio nor are there any major creative lead from Lionhead at Playground making this game. So yes, this Fable has  chance to piss off fans of the original because there is nothing in that trailer that gives the impression its like the original series games besides some humor, a stupid chicken getting kicked and nothing else.

You tell me what is Fable to you.  What is iconic to the series from the first game to the third.

I will tell you one thing.  Nothing holds back a game then fans.  From my perspective, it would be way better for Playground to make this Fable their own and not try to copy or imitate the original game.  Do the same thing Santa Monica Studio did with GOD of War and make it their own game.  They kept the overall spirit of the game but its totally different gameplay wise then the original series.  One thing Playground should Absolutly not do is make Fable exactly like the original series.  Will it piss off fans like you, probably so but as long as the game is good to great, I am sure you will come around at some point and if not well, that would be fine as well.  This is Playground game now and they should take it in a direction they see fit.

Then again, I am the same person who said 343 should stop trying to make Bungie Halo and flip the whole series.  Kill Master Chief or send him on an indefinite journey and totally change the game.  I also believe the same about the gears series as well but that is me.  I want creative teams to not be locked in doing the same thing over and over scared to change up anything because of those fans who hold them back.