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Ryuu96 said:
crissindahouse said:

France really has to step up their military help for Ukraine (Italy as well). Just checked their equipment and they have a lot. Some hundred Leclerc in storage. Thousands of kinda modern IFVs and APCs and so on. And how big is their military support for Ukraine since the war began? 400 million..

Every country could help more but considering how the Eastern European countries already gave like everything away they could, especially France and Italy really need to step up their game looking at the amount of vehicles which Ukraine loses now. Countries like Poland just don't have hundreds of Soviet tanks anymore which they gave Ukraine the first year of the war

Russia's industry is in full war mode now and our politicians are still scared of spending more than the minimum. You see Macron everywhere but in the end it's almost no difference with or without France.

Agreed...You can say stuff about Germany at least having a...not so prepared military, but France is on paper the strongest EU military power and I feel like they could be doing a lot more than they are doing. Like...France should be leading the charge, not UK, Lol. France shouldn't need UK to move first before they send LeClerc's (which they still haven't) and where is SCALP.

Every Western country should do more because they live in the luxury of having the Eastern European countries sitting between them and Russia, who is going to take the blunt of Russia's force should they ever attack? Eastern Europe.

And France shows very little desire to help America with Taiwan too, at the same time, France keeps saying about how EU should remove its dependency on America and increase their military investment but France isn't showing they can be a leader in that respect.

Macron frustrates me.

Germany should also do more but we really fucked up our own military the last decade(s) and simply don't have much heavy equipment which works properly. But at least we have a better defense minister now and we send expensive air defense equipment, radars, bridge laying equipment and so on. We also did some decent stuff with the "Ringtausch" to enable other countries to help more. And we took millions of Refugees (estimated costs for refugees were around 11 billion till February). But it's like the only money which comes from France is their part of the the EU budget which they can't really control. Same with Italy. Without their part of the EU budget, even Japan's (yeah, really) and The Netherland's aid would be in front of France and Italy. And even small countries like Denmark spend more for military aid.