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+ Starts with Richard Ayoade and the main character getting called a wanker in the first 35 seconds… yeah Fables in good hands. PGG have the task of not just creating a specifically British RPG but one that was well and truly buried by Lionhead long before the end. A big task but PGGs attention to detail and the fact they got Richard in there who’s a perfect example of Fable/British humour really puts any doubt I had to bed. 

 - Compulsion had the perfect stage to show off gameplay and after the bait & switch of their last game they really needed to. I don’t want another game that I love the art style and atmosphere of only for it to be in another genre I never touch like WHF. 

- Every. Single. Game. That Ubisoft show some how all look the exact same, they have the ability to suck any life out of a showcase they’re present in. My most hated developer of all its a real shame they were present. 

+ Avowed. So graphically what do we got to compare it to.. the CGI trailer? It looked fine honestly, Obsidian very rarely release AAA games and graphically impressive games at that. They nail gameplay tho and this looks great. Wanted to see more. I got that. I’m happy. 

+ Hellblade II. I was never a fan of the combat in the first so I’m not annoyed or happy they didn’t show any but they really nailed that creepiness that the first game had. Really can’t wait to get my hands on this and god it looked pretty. 

+ Metaphor: ReFantazio. Obnoxious names aside, every so often there comes a JRPG that peaks my interest (the last one was TMS:FE) and honestly I’m just not a JRPG fan but this looked really good. To make me excited even just a little for a JRPG in impressive. 

+ Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. If you’ve spent 5 seconds reading my trash posting on this site you’d know I LOVE CP77, like god damn. I actually had the reveal of this being at MS showcase leaked for me but regardless, easiest pre order of a DLC ever. 

+ Starfield. How big is too big? Todd: “Yes” .. it’s a Todd Howard core SP RPG. BGS bring it like nobody else can. Enough said. Give me that £100 edition with 5 days early access. 

Overall a 9/10 - There where some things that I wasn’t interested in, the hardware stuff could have been in a twitter post but a pretty great variety of games and some more than great reveals bump this up to a 9 for me. I’ll leave it at this but … No CGI vs In-game cinematics? Just show me actual gameplay please 

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition