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From the 1up preview:

As the demo went on, we started to notice certain details not evident at first sight. When grenades blew up, crates nearby didn't fly out of the way -- they shattered into segments. When enemies got shot in the head, they grabbed their faces before returning to battle. When we heard an enemy shouting on a loudspeaker, our guide proceeded to shoot that speaker and knock out the audio.

Following the gameplay presentation, Sony's presenters brought the game back on the screen and dove into the introductory cinema sequence, then paused the action and panned around it to prove it was real in-game footage. Then they chatted about a few technical details, confirmed an "extensive multiplayer component" (and said that it would have tie-ins with, and wrapped things up.

The presentation and attention to detail are key. The game doesn't look as good as the 2005 trailer, naturally, but it looks close to as good as any other console shooter. We'd say that currently Gears of War tops it, and a few other titles are on the same visual level, but the game looks extremely nice.

There doesn't seem to be much big picture stuff in here we haven't seen yet in other games. This likely has more to do with Sony being very secretive about the features at the moment than a lack of innovation in the game, given its importance to Sony and the company's hints at online features, but at this point it's hard to pick out one or two big things that will help separate the gameplay from what we've seen in other war shooters.


The only complaints are it's derrivative of other FPS games and that Gears right now looks better than it (killzone is in alpha build). Those are some really acceptable complaints lol 




Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!