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zeldaring said:
super_etecoon said:

Games aren't just graphics vs. physics, though.  There are so many more game systems at play from skill trees to resource management to dialogue structures.  The list goes on and on. You seem to have a very narrow focus on what a good game is (I've seen your list) and it seems you're trying to convince everyone that your way is the right way and the way that all developers are going.  Please don't insult their teams so much as to say that all they are focused on is a shiny package.  They deserve better than that for all the work they do.

I'm not trying to insult the work at all. The talk is here why is physics haven't really advanced all the much  in AAA space. if you put crazy physics it will come at the price of the graphics and developers choose not too for the most part.

So all you're taking from this developer praise is that people like the physics in TotK?  You think that is all they are referring to when discussing the magic that is happening in this game?  You do know the Switch is a handheld with tech dating back to 2015.  We're talking about the lack of loading (I don't think you've played this game yet, so I'm not sure if you have much to go on here), the scale of the world, the combining of different objects in the game (I'm talking about fuse here, not the ultrahand used to create various contraptions). The fact that all of this is being handled without crashes is beyond belief.

Whatever Zelda thread you enter (I'm honestly not even sure why Zelda is in your name, btw) you come with the same argument and your purpose on this site seems to be defined by downplaying the success that this game, both in terms of its legacy as a follow up to Breath of the Wild and in comparison to other games in the market.  I can tell you're getting a lot of enjoyment out of being the contrary citizen, though, and you're certainly keeping these threads alive, so more power to your style.