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pikashoe said:
Spindel said:

A â€Âproblemâ€Â I have so far is that I’m constantly short on arrows. Are they more scarese than in BotW or have I just switched play styles between the games?

I mean, it’s not a problem it’s just very noticable.

I think they are way more common than in BotW, I've been using bows way more than in BotW but I rarely ever go below 100 arrows. I recommend breaking any boxes or barrels you find they usually have a few arrows, also enemies with bows will usually drop 5 arrows. Most shops sell arrows as well.

I scavange for arrows all that I can, really don’t buy them since I’m short on rupees. 

Probably my play style that has changed then :P

Also I haven’t come as far in the game as some here seems to have done, because my free time for playing is limited. Maybe it will become better later on.