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Feeling overloaded with job and my masters, I'm playing much less than I wanted to. I'm trying to spent time with my family too on weekends. 

I think so far I didn't played more than 15 hours yet, but the game is really really good. I didn't comeback to sky island yet (I don't know how to reach them other than fast traveling). The depths are challenging. I was trying to shrine hunting the game before doing quests, but I know most of the map and this make the shrine hunting less exciting compared to BOTW, so I changed my approach to trying to finish the quests in all regions. I started with the center of Hyrule and then proceed to Dueling Peaks and Kakariko Village. Then went to the same Plateau we start in BOTW, there I descended into the chasm and discovered the area that might be my favorite in the game yet, the mines under the Great Plateau, got my first boss fight there and unlocked the auto-build function 

Proceeded explore the depths under central of Hyrule, it was when I realized the light trees are the source of the shrines, made unlock them much easy. Unlocked the camera soon after after. Trying to decide what to do next, I have beaten 23 shrines I think. I will try to fetch que quests around Kakariko Village and then maybe go to Hateno Region, trying to save the main quests for later

I also love how the gaming beats allow me play short sessions. Sometimes I'm feeling tired from coding or solving math problems, I just stop and find a shrine to beat in 10-15 minutos before coming back to my studies or job