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These are totally fine numbers.

Let's say an average sessionday is 30 minutes of play. I guess that's what most people are willing to. Some do more, some do less.

22% play every day. Each week that translates to 210 minutes. Total by these people is 4620 minutes

6% play it 2.5 times a week, which translates to 75 minutes a week. Total is 450 minutes

6% play it 1 time a week, which translates to 30 minutes a week. 180 is the total minutes.

64% play it 0 times, which translates to 0 min a week.

This means that the average play is roughly 52.5 minutes.

If the average ownage is 5 months (6 might seem more fair, but remember that everyone didn't buy it first week).

That equals to 22 weeks.

The average play of Wii Fit by these people is therefore 19.25 hours and it increases heavily every week.

Wii Fit is a game that is almost certainly played by several people. 2-3 pr Wii Fit seems very realistic, but if we say 2, that means that these statistics imply that it has been used around 40 hours.


This means Wii Fit is among the most averaged excercise machines.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS