Ugh, Blizzard announced they are scaling back their original PvE plans for Overwatch 2 that they announced back at BlizzCon 2019. We will no longer get the fully fleshed PvE mode they had planned with talent trees and continuous progression, instead we're just getting seasonal co-op PvE story missions that will play kind of like the one they had for the Halloween event last year. The fans are pretty pissed, Blizzard sure are good at pissing people off sometimes. PvE was supposed to be the main selling point for Overwatch 2 being an actual sequel instead of just an update for Overwatch 1, without the proper PvE mode Overwatch 2 is nothing but a glorified update for the multiplayer; a few new heroes, a few new maps, a new mode that replaced one of the old modes for no real reason, a small graphics update, pretty much everything multiplayer-wise with Overwatch 2 could have just been released through updates for Overwatch 1. Instead now it just feels like Overwatch 2 was an excuse to implement a battlepass system and more expensive microtransactions than Overwatch 1 for reasons of pure greed.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 16 May 2023