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Ryuu96 said:

"would allow Microsoft to set the terms and conditions for this market for the next ten years."

Those terrible, awful terms being that Microsoft will allow a free license to stream ABK titles to every Cloud Service Provider as opposed to the alternative where only the richest companies can have access to Activision-Blizzard titles or the richest company will get an exclusive license to all ABK titles and cut out all the competition.

CMA is baffling...

Digging their heels in, it's clear that the EC's decision won't affect them at all, CAT will (maybe) send it back to CMA and CMA will block it again, they've made that clear in that tweet response, they won't accept this deal no matter what.

Does CMA usually respond when one regulator made a different decision to them? Feels kind of...insecure, Lol.

Seriously f*** these rat bastards. Glad to see them getting ratioed in the comments. Straight up lying in their response, saying that Microsoft's remedies with the EC allow Microsoft to set the terms and conditions of the market. That is purely false, EC is setting the terms and conditions of the market, not Microsoft, microsoft is required to give ABK licenses to any cloud platform for free, and anyone who buys a copy of an ABK game on any platform can then stream that game on any cloud service who is willing to host it. Microsoft has no power here whatsoever.