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coolbeans said:
konnichiwa said:

Well coallition is great , they made Gears 5 in 3 years, co op from the start,  has still one of the most impressive graphics, Got excellent Dlc, even in 2 years after launch did excellent updates even when the first months were rough during covid and they had to resort to do some dripfeeding.

Their is no tax, thats a typical fanboy thing to say even expecting great reviews for new bethesda rpg's is based on fanboy talk.  Sure MW/Oblivion/Skyrim/F3 did well but their last game Fallout 4 had issues , similar issues like a Far Cry 6 or AC valhalla have,  feeling repetitive + adding stuff that doesn't really add much to the game or were for most gamers barely fun and then we are not even talking about the DLC , if Far Harbor did not come out the game would have had one of the worst DLC's in the RPG industry especially compared to games like the Witcher 3...    Well in a month we know more I just hope the MTX rumours are not true.

Gears (of War) 5 did have more immediate & varied content at launch, but it had some rough bugs & technical issues.  I remember having to restart the campaign a few times & connecting for competitive MP was spotty.  The rollout of updates to mitigate these issues was pretty good, but it's another mid-80s score that doesn't suggest unfair treatment.

Yea, the co-op was a mess at launch too. I had tons of crashes playing with my friends