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gtotheunit91 said:
shikamaru317 said:

I personally hope they stick with it and properly fix Redfall. Below the surface I see a diamond in the rough just waiting to be chiseled out. They need to fix alot to get there though, enough that it will take over a year of Arkane Austin working on it to get the game into the shape it should have been in at launch:

  • World Design- They need to add more buildings you can enter on both maps. They need to add more loot around the two maps, more enemies, and more fast travel points. Respawn points need to be added around the map, so that you respawn at the closest respawn point when you die, instead of respawning at the nearest safehouse, which can be a very long distance from where you died at times.
  • Combat- They need to improve the wonky shooting controls (you can already make them somewhat better through the menus, the default option needs to be changed to the best possible combination of menu settings, but they need further improvements beyond the best you can manage in the settings menu as well), make enemy AI better, speed up ability cooldowns somewhat, increase the amount of base health regen and decrease the health regen delay slightly. Improve stealth, add in a proper enemy stealth takedown animation instead of just elbowing them in the back, add a better stealth detection meter, add in more silenced weapons, etc., Arkane is known for their strong stealth gameplay but stealth is severely lacking in Redfall currently. Add in the ability to stake vampires with a basic melee attack, instead of needing a weapon with a stake attachment to do it.
  • Leveling and progression- XP earning needs to be sped up drastically, you progress through the levels far too slowly. All of the characters could use an expanded skill tree with more basic skills that improve things other than their 3 core abilities, things like player damage, player defense, player health, reload time, improving certain weapon types, etc. Make those new skills different for each character, in order to make each character feel more unique and fill different class archetypes better. 
  • Loot system and player economy- The loot system needs a pretty big revamp. More basic gun types and more possible attachments leading to more variety of loot, they don't exactly need a gazillion possible gun variants like Borderlands advertises, but it would be nice to have more than a few hundred possible weapon variatons in a looter shooter. The ability to upgrade and improve a good weapon drop so that you can use it longer before needing to replace it. A loot re-roll system needs to be added. Something like Borderlands' gun grinder, which allows you to destroy multiple guns you don't need to, and based on how many guns you destroyed and their rarity tiers, you get a higher rarity weapon made from the parts of your destroyed weapons. More things need to be added to spend money on, I'm currently sitting on over 100k supplies with nothing worthwhile to buy as higher rarity weapons barely appear in the weapon store, maybe add purchasable permanent upgrades like Borderlands, things like higher ammo capacity for each weapon type and a larger inventory.  
  • Map- The game needs an in-game purchasable collectible map or some kind of collectible finder skill that you can acquire which beeps progressively faster the closer you get to a collectible. You also need to be able to travel back to the original map to get anything you missed on the first run through. 
  • Missions- Mission replay needs to be added to help get any missable achievements you failed to unlock on said mission the first time around, this would also help with grinding and be a more fun method of earning XP than doing the repeatable Vampire Nests.
  • Co-op: If at all possible, add in shared progression for all players, instead of host only campaign progress.
  • Graphics and technical performance: Obviously add-in the 60 fps mode on consoles. Improve PC performance across as many hardware configurations as possible. Fix the current texture loading bug that is causing higher quality textures to load in very slowly, sometimes longer than 20 seconds. After that, try and improve other aspects of the graphics such as adding more higher quality textures to objects that currently lack them. Many critics complained about the static hand drawn cutscenes, so maybe either animate those hand drawn cutscenes, or redo them as cinematics with either in-game or pre-rendered graphics, maybe a mixture of the two, some still hand drawn but animated with key story moments being re-done as full cinematics with pre-rendered or in-game graphics. 
  • Bugs: Fix the many bugs, such as the bug that currently makes vampires go dormant and fail to aggro on you while also taking no damage when you attack them. 

I say just fix the game as is to where it's as close to a bug-free state as possible, 60fps and offline play added, release the already announced DLC, and move on to Dishonored 3 or Prey 2 or whatever. The games core is also what turned a lot of people off. The game wasn't meant to be a live service, and it would take needless time, money, and resources to fix a game that needed a complete overhaul that would take years. Whereas I would prefer Arkane Austin moved on to a project they specialize in. 

One option would be to do both. Get maybe half of Arkane Austin started on their next project in pre-production, while the other half stays behind on Redfall to properly fix it, Xbox could contract out a 2nd party studio to assist those staying behind on Redfall to help them fix it faster as well, with half of Arkane staying on Redfall plus a 2nd party studio assisting them with fixing it they should be able to get them game into a proper state in around a year, maybe a year and a half. Then the Redfall post-launch team could move on and start working on the next Arkane Austin game as it exits pre-production and enters full production. 

But in the end, alot depends on what Arkane wants to do imo. Do Harvey and his team want to stay behind and fix Redfall properly, or do they want to just scrap the game and move on to their next project asap after fulfilling the bare minimum (bug fixes, 60 fps mode, and the 2 DLC characters)? While I do believe that Phil needs a firmer hand than he seems to have with some of his first party studios and making sure they are working on projects with commercial viability, I'm not sure that it would be a good idea for Phil to force Arkane Austin to abandon Redfall and move on their next project if they want to properly fix Redfall first, that could really demoralize the team and potentially cause massive turnover at Arkane Austin. Few developers want a bad game ruining their track record and their résumé/CV, I get the feeling most developers at Arkane Austin would rather try and fix Redfall properly before moving on to their next game. It would also be a bad look for Xbox to just abandon Redfall after doing the bare minimum to fix it imo.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 09 May 2023