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yo33331 said:

Yes PS2 was more popular than those systems, and yes it had longer legs, and yes it was for longer. And yes it may be because for those reasons, conditions, factors, that PS4 and DS didn't have. It may not be fair, but it is what it is. You can't say black is white and white is black.

There are reason, factors and conditions, sure. But it is a fact too. When it's there it's there. No matter how. Did it reach it ? It did. Is it on top ? I is.

Everything can be rotate with ifs and buts. Hell the world wars if you want we can all say but if this and that it would be different. It would! However it is not, because it didn't actually happened. It happened what it happened and the reality is what it happened. With if and buts you can reach everything.

The fact, the reality is that PS2 did it. It may have 100 reasons, factors, luck and whatever you want for why and how, but it did. DS and PS4 and Gameboy if you want didn't.

This is part of what is doing the good legs too. Reasons. Everything happens in this world for a reason.

The best ones are the best ones for a reason. Is it the one or the other doesn't matter. The final result matters.

What is long legs and popularity ? sales, success, for a long long time. Did PS2 had it ? yes. Maybe because of some lucky factors, okay. But did it ? yes or no ? Yes. Than it's absolutely valid. Did the total sales are lower for the DS and PS4 ? Yes, then the saying that they are less popular is true. Did they sold for less time with shorter and weaker last few years after prime time ? Yes. Then sure, PS2 had longer and better legs then them. End of discussion.

It is what it is and you have to face the reality. Everything in this life has a reason. And the reasons themselves (or the luck if you want) don't make the success invalid.

Exactly my thinking. In sports if you just need to win one more tournament to be GOAT and it should be reasonably achievable but unfortunately you get injured and never really recover and have to retire you career, well, you can say I'm GOAT because sure as hell I would have won just one more tournament. The reality is you're not, sports history doesn't see you as that.

I also like to look into movie record sales whereas some older movie actually sold better than the current champions if you consider inflation, that we have much more cinemas today and the movies are shown in more countries (incl. big ones like China). However, ultimately, the raw numbers are what count, that's what people are interested in, fair or unfair doesn't matter. But to come back to PS2-DS-PS4 sales comparison, it's a far more clear win for PS2 compared to the movies because those arguing with inflation have a much stronger point than reasons like Soundwave bring up.