Angelus said: My VERY early first impressions of Redfall: |
I agree with pretty much everything you stated. I started with the nightmare or whatever it's called difficulty and so far, not that hard. Human AI as you stated basically there to empty your weapon on.
When the first cutscene happen I was like, hey, the graphics on this game looks fine until you actually play then you see that well it looks AA quality. When you have very impressive games like God of War, Ratchet and Clank, The last of US basically just about every first party game to come out of Sony studios, Redfall looks like it was built during the Xbox one era. I will say I really like the lighting, but the textures and poly count is very low and the fanboys are going to have a field day with the game. I also have not played enough of the game to judge the gameplay just yet as I believe there is a lot to do and the skill tree of the characters, I am playing looks promising.
Looking at the game you would definitely think their is no way this did not come out of the gates with 60fps so it will be interesting to see what the issue is. Besides that, I will continue to play and hopefully get some co-op in as well.
SO far I would say that the it feels like a lock 30fps, as I did not encounter any dips but then again I have not really faced a lot of enemies yet either.