My VERY early first impressions of Redfall:
- Cool ambience/atmosphere
- Solid Gunplay, but 30fps hurts it
- AI, particularly for human enemies, is dumb as shit
- Kinda goes with the previous point, but standard difficulty is far too easy, gonna bump it up tomorrow/later today
- World feels a bit empty so far, and I'm wondering how enemy numbers and difficulty scale with multiple players
- Graphics are definitely underwhelming, moreso than I actually expected. Some of the lighting is pretty nice, but a lot of the texture work is noticeably weak
- Already finding some cool guns
- Leveling is either fairly slow, or tied primarily to completing missions, not sure, I mainly ran around and did random shit
- I liked the way the story opens, but then it immediately transitions into an open world hub and you get standard "hey go do stuff missions" so I question how engaging it'll actually be
Again, all very very early impressions, I don't even have more than my first character ability, and I've only fought a few different enemy types, but so far I can absolutely see why it would be a 6-7/10 game, depending on the metric. Not seen anything that would justify a 4 as of yet tho.