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I think the demographic thing is also tied to the Switch being a system that feels like its made for 20 somethings rather than people getting to an age and having to choose between wanting to stay a Nintendo fan or keeping up with undesirable hardware.

Like if you're 25 years old do you really want to be carrying around a 3DS with its year 2000 tier level visuals and dated form factor? You really want a Wii U in your living room? 

The Switch is much more appealing to a 20-something. It doesn't look like a toy, it has a large screen display with a more tablet like form factor that is more reminiscent of a higher end electronics style device than something for a kid. 

The hybrid nature gives it flexibility for the life style of an older gamer, you can play on your TV, take it on your flight, etc. The games are "real" console games, not watered down Game Boy styled "baby versions" of franchises too.

All that adds up I think to someone in their 20s saying "I grew up with Nintendo and love the brand, but now I feel like I don't have to ditch the brand because there's a hardware offering suited to where I am at in my life now". 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 01 May 2023