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I mean you have literal proof of what happens when Sony has no direct competition ... the PS5 got a price raise in every market region basically did it not?

Which region did they not raise the price in? The US market. Why didn't they raise the price in the US market? Because that's the one market the XBox is the strongest competition for them, they didn't want to raise the price in the US because they knew that it could help the XBox. Sony knows they have to price competitively in the US market because it's the market XBox is strongest against the Playstation globally. 

So you can wax poetic about MS going away all you want Sony fans, but those of you in the US should also know this plainly -- if there was no XBox, your ass is paying an extra $50-$100 for your Playstation 5 hardware.

That's what happens when there is no direct competitor.