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The Fury said:
Azzanation said:

Without reason, it wont happen.

And MS spending $69billion is the reason?

Not the issues Activision had and the loss in stock value Kotick has overseen as the reason he should be got rid of.

Not the fact that Activision could add CoD to Nintendo to make more money, they love money.

Nvidia deal to get MS games, MS has games right? They could just add their games.

Activision CoD deal with Sony has existed for a while, Activision can end that and accept a new deal or none or an MS deal, like they used to do.

Activision can do a deal with MS to add their games to GP right now, you know, for MS to benefit from those games being on GP and Activision to make money from the deal.

Nah, what am I on about. MS needs to spend $69billion to buy Activision for both companies to do any of this.

$68.7billion is MS's money and can do what they want with it. And that's buying ABK, now they will buy someone else instead.

Kotick is the reason ABK is valued at $68.7billion. They won't sack him. They have to wait for him to walk.

ABK have deals with Sony (Maybe Sony said no Nintendo versions in said contracts)

MS need reason to add games on rival platforms (Thank god you are not a businessmen) 

You can't just end deals for another without destroying the relationship. ABK are stuck with dealing with the market leader to maximize profit. Only way around that is if someone else brought them out.

ABK cant do a deal with MS if they already have deals in place with Sony.

Nice try though.