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drkohler said:
EpicRandy said:

Bakhmuth have been used by Ukraine to inflict maximum casualities to russian and lock large swats of their troops in the east. So far it's been a sucess for Ukraine on both front. 

No it hasn't. The toll on Ukranian's army is worse than the toll on Russians, in relative numbers. Putin has enough village idiots to continue storming Bakhmuth as long as he wants. As long as he doesn't have to large-scale conscript in "main land (large "westernised" cities, in essence)" he is safe, while Ukrania is bleeding soldiers. He can easily go for 3:1 to 5:1 losses for longer than the Ukrainians can.

Sure one can say "Bakhmuth is Ukrania's Fort Alamo", but this analogy only holds if the Ukranians have enough soldiers left to regroup and organise while the Russinas are held up in Bakhmuth. Whatever Russian bloke runs the attacks on Bakhmuth is the same idiot as Santa Anna was.

That's the point: He doesn't!

Between the losses in the war and the young Russians fleeing the country last year, there's very few Russians left in the 20-40 age bracket. There's a reason Putin had to issue a travel ban to all men in recruitment age (22-28 years old if I'm not mistaken) as the country is running very low on professional soldiers - as well as future parents!

Bakhmut is not Ukraine's Alamo, it's much more like Russia's Verdun

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 26 April 2023