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Zippy6 said:
Runa216 said:

probably talking about Horizon Forbidden West: The burning Shores because Aloy kisses a girl and we all know how the regressives LOVE to shit on anything that's 'pushing a gay agenda' or commits the crime of being 'woke' (as in, aware of injustices in the world and try to make things better). 

I love a good lesbian and all and it's dumb to review bomb because of that but it is interesting how Sony make all their female protagonists have female love interests. Ellie, Aloy and even Rivet from R&C was going to be according to the writer lol. From now on its safer to assume any female protagonist from Sony is gonna make out with a woman than not. It's getting predictable.

So? How is that a problem? And I don't mean that from a contentious standpoint, I actually wanna know. 

LGBT Representation SHOULD exist. Absolutely. And unfortunately, the most angry homophobes tend to have a big problem with two dudes kissing but find two ladies kissing to be hot. (It's not about ethics, they're just mega-insecure). So why not go with the option that is less likely to create controversy more frequently before opening up to M/M relationships? 

Obviously in a perfect world it'd just be a normal thing that 5-12% of chararacters were non-straight or queer in some way, but we don't live in a perfect world because we live in a world where small-minded, regressive folks with brittle egos see any step forward as two steps away from their chosen direction and they like to whine and bitch like they're the victims. WE don't live in a world without context. Their absurdism is just that, absurd. Eff em. Put more lesbians in games. 

Honestly, there was a time, like 20 years ago when I too thought tokenism was bad. That forced inclusivity was stupid and hurting their cause. But the people complaining about this shit now are clearly just shitty from top to bottom and have been using 'forced inclusion' as some sort of cheat code to get away with having the values they have without ever actually saying 'queer people are gross'. Bigots be bigotin' and sadly we live in a world where it's not hard to find other bigots to back you up and/or give you good SOUNDING arguments. 

We need more queer representation in the media. Fuck the fragile egos who can't stand it. We've been repressed and taking it like bitches for too long. I want every movie and game to have tonnes of queer folk making messes all over the art. Lesbians. Gays. Bisexuals. Trans. Nonbinaries. Poly folks. all of it. I want to see all of it and fuck anyone who has a problem with that. We've been seeing games (and really ALL media, to be honest) with straight white dudes. That was fine, we knew that was the market. But the stink people stir up every time someone that ISN'T a straight white dude gets some attention tells us all it's not about proper representation, it's 'fuck the fags'. Bigotry. HAtred. Homophobia. Gimme more. Give us all more. IT's time. 

(I only rant because...well, I Can't seem to go anywhere or do anything without anti-queer and especially anti-trans hate speech getting traction and it disgusts me that we're not just outright shutting these ignorant, backwater hicks down and treating them as the less evolved/enlightened creatures they are.)

Elitism sucks but holy hell why is it that these terrible, clearly awful people get a voice. We should be banning regressives, absolutely censoring their speech. In Germany you're legally not allowed to be a nazi or speak positively of nazis because we clearly decided nazi ideals were BAD. It was judged on the global stage and nazis are BAD. Period. The same should be said of homophobes or transphobes or misogynists or anyone who actively bitches and whines whenever any queer representation is shown. They're bad and wrong. and their voices should not be heard. Sadly, we live in a world where the simple but wrong answer travels easier, faster, and wider than the complicated, right answer so arguing with these bigots isn't really fruitful. 

Not saying YOU Are a bigot, to be clear. You don't strike me as being oppressive or rude or nasty, just mildly perplexed at the seeming frequency of lesbian (F/F) material. My point is simply that it's a sort of gateway representation followed by a rant about how we shouldn't need to justify ourselves. I personally love that Playstation does this sort of thing. Nintendo is too sanitized to really do anything with character romance or sexuality and while I wish they WOULD I totally get it. Microsoft is just over there doing dudebro macho 'murica gunz yeehaw stuff, leaving Sony and Third PArties to do most of the progressive stuff. And every time it happens it gets backlash, and that upsets me greatly. 

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