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I don’t think they’ll make a game based on the movie. The movie is already based on the games, albeit a much more surface level (but beautiful) representation.

I hope Nintendo treats their cinematic space separate from their game spaces. Movie tie-ins are almost always bad and I don’t think a game based on this movie would fare any differently.

What I’m hoping for Mario, whether it be 2D or 3D, is something to shake up the formula a bit. I definitely mean this for the 2D games. The fact that they can release a Maker for the game and just reskin past levels means that we’re still playing in the same DNA. Let’s break Mario and put ut back together in a fresh way.

3D Mario kind of does this already on its own, but I’m definitely hoping for a larger sandbox world to play in. I want to be able to get abilities or keys or activate buttons in individual levels that affect the main hub where we start. I want a real sense of progression that isn’t just tied to a certain number if stars or moons to unlock the next level.