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Technically it is not true that Bethesda has never aimed for 60 fps, Bethesda Game Studios did release a game with more than 30 fps in the past, Morrowind on OG Xbox ran above 30 fps, though it often fell short of it's maximum cap of 60 fps and ran around 50 fps alot of the time. It wasn't until Oblivion that they implemented the 30 fps cap.

While Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76 were all locked to 30 fps on console upon release, it is worth noting that all of those released before 60 fps became the gold standard on console, during the years those first 4 games released, 2005-2015, most other console games were 30 fps with only a few like CoD aiming for 60 fps. By 2018 when Fallout 76 released, 60 fps on console had become quite alot more common than it had when their earlier games released, especially on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, and they disappointed quite a few people with the 30 fps cap on Fallout 76 because 60 fps had become more common by then and many were already too used to 60 fps to play a first person shooter like Fallout at 30 fps again.

Another 5 years have passed since Fallout 76, and 60 fps is truly the Gold standard on consoles now, pretty sure you can count the number of PS5/Xbox Series X released that don't at least have some kind of 30+ fps performance mode on one hand. In the past Bethesda could get away with not offering a 60 fps option, I'm not sure that they can now. Once people are used to 60 fps it becomes very difficult to ever enjoy 30 fps again, and I speak from experience there, I was one of those diehard 30 fps fans that for most of the past gen would always choose 30 fps for the better graphics over 60 fps for the better performance, but virtually every Series X game I have played for the last 3 years being 60 fps has ruined me for 30 fps, I tried the 30 fps modes on games like Witcher 3 Next Gen, Hogwarts Legacy, and Ghostwire Tokyo just this year so far, and turned each of them off within 5 minutes because I could see the frame changes and it was bugging the shit out of me, breaking my immersion.

My final word on the matter is this: Bethesda saw the backlash over not offering an optional 60 fps mode on Fallout 76 on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, they have seen virtually every PS5 and Series X game so far this generation offer an optional performance mode, and they have seen the large backlash their sister studio is receiving over Redfall being limited to 30 fps on release. They have 5 months before release, plenty of time to work on an optional performance mode ahead of release if they didn't already have one planned before now. They don't necessarily need to hit a locked 60 fps as many like myself have VRR screens now, but they do need to make a higher than 30 fps mode happen. If they don't, the backlash they will face will be 100% justified.