Gotta say I'm enjoying Ghostwire Tokyo so far. It's certainly not a top tier amazing game, but it's a tier or two below that in my eyes. Has some definite issues holding it back from being better than it is though:
- The shooting mechanics don't feel great, aiming feels somewhat clunky compared to most first person games I have played, though they do have an auto-aim option that allows you to partially lock-on to enemies while zoomed in which helps in this regard.
- The world traversal could be alot better, I've played open world games with far better traversal systems. The summonable tengu (grapple location) seems to be a late game upgrade, which greatly limits your ability to climb buildings for collectibles and spirits early on. The sprint speed feels painfully slow for an open world of this size and as far as I can tell there is no way to upgrade sprint speed (only crouch walk speed for stealth). Glide distance feels fairly poor even after I have the first 2 of 3 glide upgrades. Fast travel has a fairly low amount of locations available once you unlock it.
- Graphics are nothing to write home about, and performance is poor as well on several of the 6 different graphics modes
- There are far too many accessible areas on the map that have nothing in them, no collectibles, money, spirits, etc.
- I can tell it will be a fairly grindy 1000 GS, spirit hunting in particular will take a long time, you have to recover 240,000 spirits and I only just hit 50,000 after 12 hours of playtime. There are also several other collectible types to search for which I have made even less progress on than spirits
However, on the plus side:
- The story in interesting so far
- Love the Shinjuku Tokyo setting
- The elemental magic spells are fun to use even if the actual aiming of them could be better, all of the hand sign weaving and the elemental natures makes you feel like a Naruto character which is cool
- The enemy designs are all cool
- Pretty good English voice cast
- The achievements are easy (though grindy), no missable achievements or difficulty level based achievements
- The horror bits really aren't that scary which is a plus for me as I skip the scary horror games
I could see my final score being around 8.5/10 assuming the story stays good and I don't get too bored of the grind
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 14 April 2023