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Cobretti2 said:
CaptainExplosion said:

But Star Fox as it is right now isn't as marketable. Maybe making it essentially furry G. I. Joe in space, complete with slight character redesigns that are more toyetic, and plenty of vehicles that can be easily made into toys with little figures to put in them. It's worth a shot.

Agree, it be a brand new experience that would build a story, which then can be leveraged in the games. Hence it would require great writers for the project. As for redesign, not sure what the latest and greatest is but in recent times japanese anime has become more mainstream, you even see non traditional channel pirating it with english names. 

I just hope that none of the Nintendo franchise end up like those modern ducktales or thundercats lol, block heads with weird animation. 

And being overall terrible cartoon reboots. -_-