Ryuu96 said:
She seems like she will be one of the most powerful classes honestly. She has her mobility skill Lift, which throws her into the air, allowing her to access roofs or possibly jump over an enemy that has a charging attack, and it can be used by all members of the party as it stays on the ground for a duration after she summons it, and also has a skill tree upgrade that boosts the damage of herself and teammates while they are airborne from her lift. She has her Umbrella shield which absorbs frontal damage and then at the end of the duration of the skill the umbrella itself shoots forward and deals damage (this can be upgraded in the skill tree to boost the damage of the attack based on how much damage the umbrella absorbed, as well as upgraded with the ability to kill vampires which can usually only be killed with an ultimate or a stake through the heart). Then her ultimate is her vampire ex-boyfriend summon, who will attack enemies for a set duration and seems to deal enough damage to one shot weaker mobs, and I believe he can kill other vampires since he is a vampire himself. Overall she seems like she is the most straight-forward, in your face DPS character which should make her very popular.
Then we have Jacob, the stealth character, he has a raven companion he can send out which tags all enemies along it's path as well as within a certain radius of where he lands, allowing you to see the locations of enemies through walls. His mobility skill is Cloak, a stealth cloak that renders him invisible to enemies for a set duration, which he can use to bypass combat encounters, and can be upgraded with things like the ability to shoot while cloaked, a shield when the cloak ends, and reduced cloak cooldown from each non-cloaked kill. Lastly he has his ultimate, Heartstopper, the aimbot sniper skill, that automatically headshots like 5 enemies for you and can kill vampires with headshots instead of requiring a stake through the heart. I hear his passives largely focus on improving longer range weapons like snipers and assault rifles.
Remi is the support and tank combined into one. She has her robot companion Bribon that she can send out to a certain location where he will go into a defensive posture to resist more damage and emit sounds to lure a bunch of enemies into a group, which can be upgraded in the skill tree to also shock enemies within a radius (there was also one piece of older gameplay footage where Bribon had gun that popped out of his head and shot enemies, but this was apparently missing in the latest critic preview build, so it is unknown if it was temporarily removed because of a bug or permanently removed). This luring ability can be combined with her C4 explosive skill, which seems to double as both her attack skill and her mobility skill, she can use it to deal damage (great against grouped up enemies from Bribon), or with a skill tree upgrade she can use the explosion to throw herself into the air without taking damage herself (much like Junkrat in Overwatch), allowing her to access roofs easily just like Layla. Lastly her ultimate plants a flag that heals all allies within a radius around the flag continuously and auto-revives them if they go down, and can be upgraded to boost the damage output of those inside the radius as well. From what I read alot of her skill tree passives revolve around boosting close range weapons like SMG's and shotguns, as well as her damage resistance, making her a close range tank, and she also has a passive that boosts her damage against human enemies (such as the humans that worship the vampires).
Lastly we have Devinder, who seems to be focused on crowd control and AoE damage. His Lightning Javelin lands in the ground and shocks enemies within a radius, stunning them and damaging them over time, and can be upgraded to stake vampires through the heart at range with a direct hit when thrown. His mobility skill is a thrown teleporter, allowing him to teleport behind enemies or access roofs much like Remi and Layla can with their mobility skills, it also seems to leave behind a portal that teammates can use to teleport as well, and has upgrades such as dealing increased damage after a teleport and leaving behind a decoy to distract enemies. His ultimate is the UV light, which he plants in the ground and then it shines a powerful beam of UV light that petrifies enemies within a radius around the UV light, allowing you to damage them while they are petrified in safety, which can be upgraded with things like longer duration, and petrified enemies automatically shattering when the ultimate ends.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 04 April 2023