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JWeinCom said:

I thought Sami and KO vs the Usos should main event over Rhea and Charlotte, but I have some doubts right now. Charlotte vs Rhea was absolutely excellent. Great example of building the tension throughout the match to the point where those nearfalls actually meant something. Sami, Kev, and the Usos have a tough act to follow.

Edit: Really fun main event. As good as it gets for the sports entertainment style. In retrospect, I'm not sure if this should have been the main event or Rhea vs Charlotte. But that's just because they were both great matches, so that's not a terrible problem to have.

Overall, very good event. Pretty much every match on the card either met (Theory Cena/Owens Sami/Usos, Logan Seth) or exceeded (Rhea Charlotte, men's four way) expectations. Only thing I didn't really like was the six way women's match. Hate to say it, but Lita just doesn't "have it" anymore. And considering how few women's heels they have, didn't seem wise to make Damage Control more of chumps.

But everything else was good, so can't complain too much. It was a night of predictable finishes, but since this should be the end for most of these feud, sometimes the story just has to end in the obvious satisfying way. Think everyone knew that Frodo would *spoiler for Lord of the Rings I guess* destroy the ring, but the journey was still fun. 

They could have probably shaved off a half hour though. Promo packages are one thing, but promo packages for next night's matches? You've gone too far E.

As great as Rhea/Charlotte was, KO-Sami/Usos had EVERYTHING behind it and the people cared so much about it to where I had no doubt in my mind they could follow it. I don't think Rhea and Charlotte could have followed the Tag match if it had been the other way around. That's the difference. I still firmly believe that Sami-KO and the Usos being in the Main Event was the right call. And ultimately, I think the fact that they WEREN'T the main event actually HELPED Charlotte and Rhea. It was easy to tell early on just by looking at them that they were PISSED OFF that they weren't the main event. Much like Batista and Undertaker were pissed off that THEY weren't the main event at WrestleMania 23 over Cena and HBK. And just like with those two, Charlotte and Rhea went into this match w/ a chip on their shoulder to try to steal the show and the match was better for it!

Only match of the night that disappointed for me was Cena/Theory. The match wasn't really all that exciting. It never hit that gear and by the time it was about to, it was over. And it ends in a cheap finish. A low blow, cheap-heat finish after he tapped out to the STF? That was a little too "Super Cena" for my liking. Other than that, this was an outstanding Night 1 and I have every faith that Night 2 can top it.

Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 02 April 2023