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Qwark said:
Machiavellian said:

You know nothing you actually said is correct.  Was it not Sony who made the purchase about COD

Also, MS is bringing COD to more platforms including PS still so not sure what part you are missing.

The real point I wanted to make is your assumption that MS has a stranglehold on FPS but could you tell us which FPS game that MS has that has a stranglehold within the market.  Its not like Sony doesn't have a number of FPS in their stable as well.  

Wolfenstein and Doom come to mind as now exclusive Xbox FPS. Also which popular FPS does Sony have. Killzone was never really popular.

Microsoft also has much more control over Western RPG's now that it owns Diablo, Fallout and Elder Scrolls. Those are three damn big IP's which used to be multiplatform. Sony has most control over Final Fantasy though via deals, containing money (probably) doing marketing for them and co-developing it with SE (at least for FF16), in exchange for at least a year exclusivity and PC probably the only other platform it's allowed to be released on.

For other IP's which Sony doesn't own, we simply don't know enough. Games like Yakuza and Persona are coming to Xbox and Switch. Bloodborne is a Sony IP and for many Japanese games we don't know if Sony is actively holding them back from Xbox. That would need inside knowledge of the contracts between said parties. I doubt MS has those contracts in hand.

Both of those games are Multiplat until different.  How is that a stranglehold when it sells on all platforms including Sony.  Hell MS would then have a better case to say Sony has a monopoly on 3rd person story adventure games.  The whole subject is just really dumb.  The context of this story is that MS is stating Sony has a stranglehold within the Japanese market and can be using their dominate position to stifle competition.  Saying MS has more FPS games then Sony so they are stifling competition is really a bad take and context wise just doesn't make any sense.

MS has no more control over any genre then any other company.  Starfied cannot make another western RPG sub par or stop customers from purchasing any other western RPG.  The only thing really determine that is the quality of the product.  This is why this whole line of argument feels very forced.  Its like you have to invent something to prove a point.

To your last point, that is correct we do not know anything but that is why you raise the subject.  Shake the tree see if there is anything there.  Like we have all stated, who really knows what this is about probably will not know for any period of time but if there is something their, Sony could find themselves having to do a lot of explaining.