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Mandalore76 said:

The post that initiated the discussion was centered on the perceived impending indictment charges coming from the Manhattan DA.  The comments that followed proceeded to pre-suppose what the reactions of not just Trump supporters, but all Republican voters would be to an arrest of Trump on those charges.  Those imagined reactions included labeling not just Trump supporters, but all Republican voters as brain-washed hypocritcs who would need to do mental gymnastics to figure Trump a way out of such "airtight" charges.  I centered my response around the difficulty of getting a conviction on such charges that we have already seen play out before. 

Yep, attack and completely disregard the source regardless of whether the points made in the article, or the fact that cite recent historical precedent, have any merit to the discussion.  

The post that initiated it was this one:

Jumpin said:

I've heard that Trump might actually be arrested by early next week.
I wonder how the Trumpist "Lock her up!" "Joe Biden Crime Family" reactionaries will respond to this? What kind of hypocrisy and virtue signaling will we see?

There was no discussion of any specific kind of charges. It was basically "how will Trumpists react to Trump getting arrested".

In fact, they're specifically talking about the "lock her up" crowd. 

Mandalore76 said:

Those imagined reactions included labeling not just Trump supporters, but all Republican voters as brain-washed hypocritcs who would need to do mental gymnastics to figure Trump a way out of such "airtight" charges. 

1.) No one has said that all Republican voters are brainwashed. 

2.) No one said that the charges were airtight. This is the closest comment to that:

 so look for a hell of a lot of push back no matter how tight the charges are.

This comment is not setting any standards for the charges, they may be tight or they may not be tight. Their comment boils down to "there will be pushback whether the charges are tight or not".