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SvennoJ said:
ConservagameR said:
Chrkeller said:

I'm not middle class.  Income percentile I'm around 95%.  

What people who complain about Capitalism don't understand is they control the market.  Don't like what McDonalds and Wal-Mart pays their employees?  Stop shopping there.  Capitalism simply provides consumers with what they want, in the US that is cheap junk which results in low wages.  Many don't like MS buying out large companies, stop buying Xbox.

The sooner people realize they control the market and the market is a reflection of their buying habits....  I know it is a hard pill to swallow and the truth hurts..  but facts are facts.

We live in a world where even the people who agree they've benefitted greatly from capitalism, but say they don't like it, won't give up much if not a lot of what they have to make things more even or fair, with finger pointing reasons like the rich should pay. The rich (being the strong in this case) never pay and never have, since the dawn of time. That's how things have always worked in life.

We also live today in a society where those who are quite well off, yet seen as somewhat poor in western society, want more because who doesn't, and those who have more, think the lesser have never lived worse, because they don't understand the past well enough. The irony of this is it's because of recent capitalism that they think that way. Once people have it good enough, they not only forget or don't learn what real poverty is, but only ever expect more without giving much themselves. Empires have fallen partially due to this.

Way too many people today think it's simply the system that runs everything, but people made that system, and it's people who changed it along the way so far, so it's the people who will modify it further if they want things to be different, or go elsewhere if they can't get what they want. The thing is, you can't always just change the base rules. Sometimes you have to change smaller things first to be able to make a big change. It's not the system that's responsible, it's you, the people.

When you live in a system where the people are well off enough, what used to be easy seems hard now, and they won't do things the hard way unless they absolutely must. It's not a coincidence you see a similar phrase to, "things are only going to get worse before they get better" often enough on the internet, because the people who understand see what's coming. Things will have to get much worse before enough people people finally say enough is enough and do what they have to, to solve the problems, and the solutions aren't even that hard, they just seem to be because of how successful they've become due to capitalism and how easy things have become.

Why do the rich keep getting away with things they shouldn't be? Because they've made life so easy for people that the people won't go out of their way to do what's more difficult but necessary based on what they believe is right. Which is ironic because it's the rich who became rich by doing the hard things and continuing to. Musk isn't the richest person alive because he was born that way, it's because as he jokes, his companies, "convert the impossible to late". Also ironically due to capitalism.

Everything requires upkeep and maintenance. Including capitalism. Ironically, the west has been in need of the tradesmen who do that type of work for decades because it's not seen as a good career or one that can make you rich. I wonder why the capitalist ceiling is caving in and the lights are flickering?

That's why I love Mike Rowe and his Dirty Jobs series. Highlighting the work that keeps the lights on. And the ongoing theme is, can't find any people willing to do the hard work anymore and thus our infrastructure is literally falling apart all around us. Bridges, sewers, power lines, water mains, railroad tracks, it's all in dire need of upgrades and maintenance. All these jobs pay good money, but it's hard work and people rather sip there latte while browsing the internet in their comfy office or nowadays from home.

This.  People want easy jobs that require no skills....  that also pays well...  I mean sure, who doesn't want an unicorn that craps gold?  

Does our economic system need readjustments?  Sure.  But people also need to make better choices.  Stop picking jobs that have no demand and stop buying luxury items that aren't required.  There is a use behaviour issue built into this issue.  

Certainly there are exceptions, but people who get paid well (largely) aren't doing jobs they love.  We do it for the money.  And if somebody doesn't want to make the same sacrifice, that is fine, but stop whining that I have more.  I was given more, I've simply earned more.

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 27 March 2023


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