So I had a chance to look over Epic Editor for Fornite and I have to say Epic has proven me wrong. Then again, that Editor had to be something they have worked on for years and basically took their own tool and made it avaliable for public use. Not sure if Roblox will be able to survive a AAA editor like this when you can basically create just about any game you want but with the visual quality of Unreal 5. On top of that Epic is doing 40% revenue sharing for creators which is also a nice carrot.
After watching the State of Unreal presentation, its easy to see why CD Project also switched engines. Interesting enough, people will basically be able to create halo in Fortnite which would be very funny on another level before 343 actually bring out a product in the engine. That Editor is a game changer because of the breath of content that can be made that really not limited to just the Fortnite assets.