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Nintendo's problems in part are due to software development starting too late I think in a lot of cases.

If I was running Nintendo I would have insisted (not asked, insisted) that the Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, and Smash Bros. teams must be working on hard development (not just planning, but actual level/world building, etc.) successor franchise installments of those IP for the next generation no later than January 2022 already, so the next installments of those games should already be well over a year into development already. I don't know what the Mario 3D/2D teams are doing but they should also be not only well into development of their next game but well past 50-60% complete.

You shouldn't even really need finished hardware for that as you can approximate what the next system's hardware would be like and use an older Nvidia graphics card to at least begin development on.

Everybody got a break most likely over the COVID break, and the last installments in these IP are now years in the past, it's time to get down to the nitty gritty of making the next franchise installments.

Gotta have content and the next transition will be harder for Nintendo because they're not going to have a Wii U library that was largely unplayed by a lot of people to pick apart and repurpose for easy hit titles in year 1 (ie: there's not gonna be a BOTW or completed Mario Kart 8 just laying around this time).