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They went for Guardians of the Galaxy vibe, so, if trailers are anything to go by, they've more or less nailed that feel and I think it will be quite successful.

I'll be going to watch it for sure, especially since in my latest campaign Red Wizards of Thay were main villains...come to think of it, I'll probably watch it with all my players, though that's downright inviting misery for me if they ask to play 5e again.

In retrospect, I'm happy they went with "rampant bullshittery that usually happens during a session of D&D"...not that this is the default mode for DnD, but it can be a lot of fun. I do miss that there is no classic Old School "slightly dimwitted and Lawful Good to a fault" Paladin, that fits perfectly in such a setting, but it seems that most of the characters in the film more than make up for it.