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Pemalite said:
Soundwave said:

Depends on the leaker's track record, this guy has gotten previous things correct and probably is plugged into the manufacturing chain in China. 

Also, why is Nintendo going out of their way to get his Reddit and his posts on a Chinese forum shut down, if this Pokemon leaker was correct I think perhaps Nintendo is trying to crack down on leaks. 

All "leakers" aka. "predictors" get things correct at one point or another.
They will typically just hide the crap they got wrong and for the few things they got right they will screech "look at me! I did a thing!".

We saw this prior to the Switch launch where "leakers" of all sorts of apparent "credibility" were claiming rubbish like the console was going to be Radeon powered, was going to have a 1080P display, was going to be 4k and more.
We see this cycle *every* console generation prior to the next console release. Every. Single. Time.

Nintendo tends to be rather rabid on closing down anything and everything Nintendo related on the internet, doesn't matter if it's Art, Game preservation, music, mods or whatever else.

They actually have a legal requirement to protect their I.P. I wouldn't look to much into it, it's Nintendo just being Nintendo.

haxxiy said:

Why on Earth wouldn't Nintendo want that, though? It means selling more hardware right off the bat.

It's not like their support of outgoing consoles has been stellar in the past (e.g. moving titles midway through development to be exclusive to the successor platform, or just delaying titles to launch alongside it).

Fact of the matter is, with the Switch having 120~ million units in the market place and still continuing to grow, it is a platform that will still be around for years to come... Even if Nintendo doesn't develop for it.

And a Switch 2 or Switch Pro won't change that thankfully.

There are tons of speculators on the internet, what does get my attention though is when Nintendo goes after one in specific and shuts them down. That doesn't

happen much. The timing of it is also interesting (a few days after someone working on Pokemon DLC leaked a bunch of stuff apparently). 

So those things are interesting. Random kid on Youtube talking about what they think is in Switch 2 or when it will launch, not so much. 

What tends to happen when new hardware is becoming more imminent is well more leaks start to pop up, it was true of NX/Switch itself, PS4 Pro, PS5, XBox Series X, etc. etc. 

Part of the reason for that I think is it's harder for these companies to control all the entities that go into game production and development these days. Games

today are heavily outsourced to multiple studios (like 10 studios can end up working on one game in some cases) and the production chain goes through China too where Japanese companies like a Nintendo or Sony don't have as much control, any random guy working at the factory can leak things.