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I doubt they will dump Forge alongside the switch to Unreal 5 on Tatanka. I personally don't see why the Engine switch would kill Forge. We already know Unreal Engine can be used for large open world maps, far larger than the largest Forge canvas would likely be. All then that needs to be done is making a UI for selecting between assets and rotating and placing them, and making the assets themselves, and considering Unreal 5 has a built in library of open source assets already available to all developers, that would be even easier to do than Halo Infinite's Forge since Infinite's Forge required developers at 343 to hand build all of the Forge assets that Forge designers can pick between. It should just be a simple matter of carefully curating assets from the Unreal open source library that are less hardware intensive, and designing some of their own assets where necessary, in order to expand the maximum item allowance for Forge designers as much as possible while still allowing for 60 fps gameplay on the finished product. I can't say that the Forge in Unreal 5 would be quite as robust as the one on Slipspace Engine, the item allowance may be somewhat smaller overall, but it will definitely be a part of Tatanka I think, if not at launch than certainly at some point after launch. I would imagine that as soon as Infinite's Forge is finished, most of the Forge team will move over an start exploring ways to build Forge on Unreal 5 for Tatanka.

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 03 March 2023