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DonFerrari said:
EpicRandy said:

I would agree if ABK Ips were suddenly Xbox exclusive like for the Bethesda merger but in the ABK case, we can safely say CoD is not leaving at least for 10 years and I believe it will still go Minecraft route afterward. Diablo 4 is already announced on PS5 and it have a 10years+ cycle between title so hardly any impact there for Sony. Same for Overwatch. Spyro and Crash have been historically associated with PS so doubt MS will make a new entry and not release it on PS but even then the strength of those franchise is only a shadow of what they were. Other huge IP include is Guitar hero but it have lost most of it's power and the nature of the game still make a great case for it being multiplat. Nothing in the King parts impact Sony whatsoever. And in all case Sony could deal with MS to mitigate almost all remaining issue to which MS would probably need to accept.

So I hardly see any real drawbacks for Sony except those I listed in my prior post. But in the end that's just speaking as if Xbox get to invest $69B otherwise if the deal fails, Sony is probably betting that it wont and that failure would sufficiently temper Xbox ambition.

The only real reason COD will be multiplat is because regulatory agencies got involved and Sony cried. MS indicated Bethesda games would keep releasing but then changed their wording after the deal was approved. The other IPs from ABK will be exclusive you can be sure.

This is pure speculation.  With a billion dollar IP, we actually do not know if MS has always planned to keep COD multiplat.  If MS was only concerned about setting everything exclusive they would have done the same thing to Minecraft.  Instead, I believe MS believe having COD on GP day one is a big value proposition for gamers and keeping it multiplat insures the IP continue to bring in billions while prop up GP.  I believe you keep assuming that MS cares about the console war but I continue to state that MS has given up on that front and care about expanding GP as the definitive gaming service.  Nuking the sales of one of your biggest IP isn't always the best tactic and keeping the IP in as many gamers hands as possible insures that they could see more value in getting GP to have that game.