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CGI-Quality said:

I’ll believe they’re doing more when the results suggest it. Why do they need more studios right now? Where are the products from the studios they bought? I get that games take time, first hand, but everyone else is bound by that same principle and are killing it in 1st party content. Microsoft is not new to the game. As a buyer of their products, I’d like to see them do better. 2023 promises that, so they’re moving in the right direction.

I believe they need more studios so that they can have at least one AAA per quarter every year.  If we think about development time to market 3 to five years for AAA content sometimes even more.  In order for GP to reach a growth where it can continue to fun big games, it must pump out high quality content to retain subs and increase the sub base.

I hear a lot of gamers talk about GP will bring down the quality of games but that really does not work for a subscription service.  When quality drops so do the subs.  When quality drops, you cannot expand your sub base.  In order to reach a sub amount where GP prints money, MS must improve GP to around 150 million subs.  Quality sustained content on a timely fashion I believe is the only way to achieve this goal and the content has to be varied to attract a diverse gaming group.